
AutoRoles can be used to automatically grant roles to users who join your server, with an optional delay or even for bots only.


Create a new AutoRole that will be given to users when they join the server. Optionally, provide a delay for the role being added, and configure the AutoRole to be for bots or humans only (by default it will be given to every user who joins).

Usage: r.addautorole <role id> [delay = 0s] ['--bot-only'|'--human-only']

Aliases: r.addautoroles, r.addar, r.autorolesadd, r.autoroleadd, r.aradd


  • r.addautorole 1234567890123456789

  • r.addautorole 1234567890123456789 300

  • r.addautorole 1234567890123456789 0 --bot-only

User permissions required:

  • Manage Roles

Bot permissions required:

  • Manage Roles

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


List all the AutoRoles currently configured in this server.

Usage: r.listautoroles

Aliases: r.listautorole, r.listar, r.autorolelist, r.autoroleslist, r.arlist, r.allautoroles, r.allautorole, r.allar, r.arall, r.autoroles,

Any user can use this command.

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Remove a configured AutoRole by role ID from the server.

Usage: r.removeautorole <role id>

Aliases: r.removeautoroles, r.autoroleremove, r.autorolesremove, r.deleteautorole, r.deleteautoroles, r.autoroledelete, r.autorolesdelete, r.ardel, r.delar, r.arrem, r.remar


  • r.removeautorole 1234567890123456789

User permissions required:

  • Manage Roles

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


ChannelReacts allows you to configure automatic reactions on all messages posted in a channel. This replaces the VoteChannels feature from Restarter v2.


Setup a new channel reaction with an emoji on this channel, or for any mentioned channels.

Use the --image-only flag to only add reactions to messages containing images.
Use the --video-only flag to only add reactions to messages containing videos.
Use the --audio-only flag to only add reactions to messages containing audio.
Use the --media-only flag to only add reactions to messages containing images, videos or audio.
Use the --text-only flag to only add reactions to messages that contain no images, videos or audio.

Include the --ignore-replies flag to skip reacting to messages that are a reply.
Include the --ignore-bots flag to skip reacting to messages that are from other bots.
Include the --bots-only flag to only add reactions to messages that were sent by bots.

Usage: r.addchannelreact <emoji> [#channel...] ['--image-only'|'--video-only'|'--audio-only'|'--media-only'|'--text-only'] ['--ignore-replies'] ['--ignore-bots'|'--bots-only']

Aliases: r.addchannelreacts, r.addcr, r.channelreactsadd, r.channelreactadd, r.cradd, r.channelreact,


  • r.addchannelreact 😀

  • r.addchannelreact ✅ #polls

  • r.addchannelreact ❌ #polls

  • r.addchannelreact ⬆️ #song-lyrics #movie-quotes

  • r.addchannelreact ⬇️ #song-lyrics #movie-quotes

  • r.addchannelreact ❤️️ #artwork --image-only

  • r.addchannelreact 👀 #clips --video-only

  • r.addchannelreact 🎸 #songs --audio-only

  • r.addchannelreact ☑️ #suggestions --text-only --ignore-replies

User permissions required:

  • Manage Guild

Bot permissions required:

  • Add Reactions

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


List all ChannelReacts defined in this server or a specific channel.

Usage: r.listchannelreacts [#channel]

Aliases: r.listchannelreact, r.listcr, r.listcrs, r.channelreactslist, r.channelreactlist, r.crlist, r.crslist, r.channelreacts,


  • r.listchannelreacts

  • r.listchannelreacts #polls

Any user can use this command.

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Remove all configured ChannelReacts from one or more mentioned channels.

Need to remove reactions for a deleted channel? Pass the raw channel ID as an argument instead.

Usage: r.removeallchannelreact <#channel...>

Aliases: r.removeallchannelreacts, r.channelreactremoveall, r.channelreactsremoveall, r.deleteallchannelreact, r.deleteallchannelreacts, r.channelreactdeleteall, r.channelreactsdeleteall, r.crdelall, r.delallcr, r.crremall, r.remallcr


  • r.removeallchannelreact #polls

  • r.removeallchannelreact #song-lyrics #movie-quotes

  • r.removeallchannelreact 1234567890123456789

User permissions required:

  • Manage Guild

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Remove a configured ChannelReact emoji from this channel, or for any mentioned channels.

Usage: r.removechannelreact <emoji> [#channel...]

Aliases: r.removechannelreacts, r.channelreactremove, r.channelreactsremove, r.deletechannelreact, r.deletechannelreacts, r.channelreactdelete, r.channelreactsdelete, r.crdel, r.delcr, r.crrem, r.remcr


  • r.removechannelreact 😀

  • r.removechannelreact ✅ #polls

  • r.removechannelreact ❌ #polls

  • r.removechannelreact ⬆️ #song-lyrics #movie-quotes

  • r.removechannelreact ⬇️ #song-lyrics #movie-quotes

User permissions required:

  • Manage Guild

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Configure which Restarter commands are enabled or disabled in your server.


Disable one or more commands in Restarter for this server (or disable 'all').

Usage: r.disable <commands...|'all'>


  • r.disable ping uptime

  • r.disable all

User permissions required:

  • Manage Guild

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


List all commands that have been disabled in this server.

Usage: r.disabled

Aliases: r.listdisabled, r.disabledcommands, r.enabled, r.listenabled, r.enabledcommands

User permissions required:

  • Manage Guild

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Enable one or more disabled commands in Restarter for this server (or enable 'all').

Usage: r.enable <commands...|'all'>


  • r.enable ping uptime

  • r.enable all

User permissions required:

  • Manage Guild

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Find out more about donating to support the bot, and claim your bot perks if you're an active supporter.

Find out about how you can support the developer through GitHub Sponsors or Patreon.

Usage: r.donate

Aliases: r.sponsor, r.pledge, r.patreon

Any user can use this command.

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators


Claim your donator perks for a Discord server using the bot.

Usage: r.perks <server id>

Aliases: r.rewards


  • r.perks 1234567890123456789

Any user can use this command.

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators


Enable filters and automatic moderation for messages in your Discord server to help keep the chat under control. Filters allow for removing unwanted invites, links from untrusted domains, or of messages containing configured phrases.


Configure a new BlockPhrase for the server. Phrases are case-insensitive.

By default, messages must contain the phrase surrounded by word boundaries (start/end of message, spaces, etc.) to be detected.
The '--no-boundary' flag will disable this requirement, allowing the phrase to match within other words etc.

Usage: r.addblockphrase <phrase> ['--no-boundary']

Aliases: r.addblocedkphrase, r.addblockphrases, r.addblockedphrases, r.addbp, r.blockphraseadd, r.blockedphraseadd, r.blockphrasesadd, r.blockedphrasesadd, r.bpadd


  • r.addblockphrase discord is bad

  • r.addblockphrase reddit --no-boundary

User permissions required:

  • Manage Messages

Bot permissions required:

  • Manage Messages

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Enable or disable the automatic deletion and moderation of messages with Discord invites.

Usage: r.antiinvite ['enable'|'disable']

Aliases: r.antiad


  • r.antiinvite

  • r.antiinvite enable

  • r.antiinvite disable

User permissions required:

  • Manage Messages

Bot permissions required:

  • Manage Messages

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


View, set, or remove the trusted role that allows users with the role to bypass the AntiInvite message filter.

Usage: r.antiinvitetrusted [<role id>|'remove']

Aliases: r.antiadtrusted, r.antiinvitebypass, r.antiadbypass, r.antiinvitetrust, r.antiadtrust


  • r.antiinvitetrusted

  • r.antiinvitetrusted 1234567890123456789

  • r.antiinvitetrusted remove

User permissions required:

  • Manage Messages

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot

Enable or disable the automatic deletion and moderation of messages containing links.

Usage: r.antilink ['enable'|'disable']


  • r.antilink

  • r.antilink enable

  • r.antilink disable

User permissions required:

  • Manage Messages

Bot permissions required:

  • Manage Messages

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


List, add, or remove domains that are permitted and will be ignored by the AntiLink message filter. Use '*.<domain>' to match the domain AND all subdomains.

Usage: r.antilinkpermitted [<'add'|'remove'> <domain>]

Aliases: r.antilinkpermit, r.antilinkexcluded, r.antilinkexclude


  • r.antilinkpermitted

  • r.antilinkpermitted add

  • r.antilinkpermitted add *

  • r.antilinkpermitted remove

  • r.antilinkpermitted remove *

User permissions required:

  • Manage Messages

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


View, set, or remove the trusted role that allows users with the role to bypass the AntiLink message filter.

Usage: r.antilinktrusted [<role id>|'remove']

Aliases: r.antilinkbypass, r.antilinktrust


  • r.antilinktrusted

  • r.antilinktrusted 1234567890123456789

  • r.antilinktrusted remove

User permissions required:

  • Manage Messages

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Enable or disable the automatic deletion and moderation of messages containing phishing links.

Usage: r.antiphish ['enable'|'disable']


  • r.antiphish

  • r.antiphish enable

  • r.antiphish disable

User permissions required:

  • Manage Messages

Bot permissions required:

  • Manage Messages

Optional bot permissions:

  • Kick Members
  • Ban Members

These permissions may be needed for extra functionality in the command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Set the mode used for the AntiPhish filter, either warning, kicking or banning users.

Usage: r.antiphishmode ['warn'|'ban']


  • r.antiphishmode

  • r.antiphishmode warn

  • r.antiphishmode kick

  • r.antiphishmode ban

User permissions required:

  • Manage Messages

Bot permissions required:

  • Manage Messages

Optional bot permissions:

  • Kick Members
  • Ban Members

These permissions may be needed for extra functionality in the command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Enable or disable the automatic deletion and moderation of messages containing customisable phrases.

Usage: r.blockphrases ['enable'|'disable']

Aliases: r.blockedphrases, r.blockphrase, r.blockedphrase, r.bp


  • r.blockphrases

  • r.blockphrases enable

  • r.blockphrases disable

User permissions required:

  • Manage Messages

Bot permissions required:

  • Manage Messages

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


List all configured BlockPhrases in this server.

Usage: r.listblockphrases

Aliases: r.listblockedphrases, r.listblockphrase, r.listblockedphrase, r.listbp, r.listbps, r.blockphraseslist, r.blockedphraseslist, r.blockphraselist, r.blockedphraselist, r.bplist, r.bpslist

User permissions required:

  • Manage Messages

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Remove all configured BlockPhrases for the server.

Usage: r.removeallblockphrase

Aliases: r.removeallblockedphrase, r.removeallblockphrases, r.removeallblockedphrases, r.removeallbp, r.remallbp, r.blockphraseremoveall, r.blockedphraseremoveall, r.blockphrasesremoveall, r.blockedphrasesremoveall, r.bpremoveall, r.bpremall, r.deleteallblockphrases, r.deleteallblockedphrases, r.deleteallbp, r.delallbp, r.blockphrasedeleteall, r.blockedphrasedeleteall, r.blockphrasesdeleteall, r.blockedphrasesdeleteall, r.bpdeleteall, r.bpdelall

User permissions required:

  • Manage Messages

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Remove a configured BlockPhrase for the server. Phrases are case-insensitive.

Usage: r.removeblockphrase <phrase>

Aliases: r.removeblockedphrase, r.removeblockphrases, r.removeblockedphrases, r.removebp, r.rembp, r.blockphraseremove, r.blockedphraseremove, r.blockphrasesremove, r.blockedphrasesremove, r.bpremove, r.bprem, r.deleteblockphrases, r.deleteblockedphrases, r.deletebp, r.delbp, r.blockphrasedelete, r.blockedphrasedelete, r.blockphrasesdelete, r.blockedphrasesdelete, r.bpdelete, r.bpdel


  • r.removeblockphrase discord is bad

  • r.removeblockphrase reddit

User permissions required:

  • Manage Messages

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Get some information about a role, server or user with these commands.


Get information about a role by id or name.

Usage: r.roleinfo <role id | role name>

Aliases: r.ri


  • r.roleinfo My cool role

  • r.roleinfo 1234567890123456789

Any user can use this command.

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Get information about the current server.

Usage: r.serverinfo

Aliases:, r.guildinfo,

Any user can use this command.

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Get information about a user/member by mention or id (defaults to the message author, you).

Usage: r.userinfo [user mention | user id]

Aliases: r.ui, r.memberinfo, r.mi


  • r.userinfo @user#1234

  • r.userinfo 1234567890123456789

Any user can use this command.

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators


Configure the server log with this category of commands. The server log provides a log of all events that occur in a Discord server, fed into a single text channel.


Enable or disable the server log channel.

Usage: r.serverlog [#channel|'disable']


  • r.serverlog

  • r.serverlog #server-log

  • r.serverlog disable

User permissions required:

  • Manage Guild

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


List all events in the serverlog, enable or disable specific events (or 'all' events).

Usage: r.serverlogevents ['enable'|'disable'] [event|'all']

Aliases: r.logevents, r.slevents


  • r.serverlogevents

  • r.serverlogevents enable message_edited message_deleted

  • r.serverlogevents disable all

User permissions required:

  • Manage Guild

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Apply moderation actions such as muting or banning a user with commands in this category. Also, configure the modlog for logging all moderation actions done through the bot.


Enable or disable the automatic cleaning of user names in the server.

Usage: r.autoclean ['enable'|'disable'|'bots' <'enable'|'disable'>]


  • r.autoclean

  • r.autoclean enable

  • r.autoclean disable

  • r.autoclean bots enable

  • r.autoclean bots disable

User permissions required:

  • Manage Nicknames

Bot permissions required:

  • Manage Nicknames

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Enable or disable the automatic dehoisting of user names in the server.

Usage: r.autodehoist ['enable'|'disable'|'bots' <'enable'|'disable'>]


  • r.autodehoist

  • r.autodehoist enable

  • r.autodehoist disable

  • r.autodehoist bots enable

  • r.autodehoist bots disable

User permissions required:

  • Manage Nicknames

Bot permissions required:

  • Manage Nicknames

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Ban a mentioned user.

By default 7 days of messages from the user will be deleted. Include the --no-purge flag to disable message deletion.

Usage: r.ban <@user | user id> ['--no-purge'] [reason]

Aliases: r.yeet


  • r.ban @user#1234

  • r.ban @user#1234 DM advertising

User permissions required:

  • Ban Members

Bot permissions required:

  • Ban Members

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Cleans one or more mentioned users' username/nickname.

Usage: r.clean <@user | user id...>

Aliases: r.cleannick, r.nickclean, r.cleanname, r.nameclean, r.hardclean, r.cleanuser, r.cleanmember, r.decancer


  • r.clean @user#1234

  • r.clean @user#1234 @other_user#56678

User permissions required:

  • Manage Nicknames

Bot permissions required:

  • Manage Nicknames

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Dehoists one or more mentioned users' username/nickname.

Usage: r.dehoist <@user | user id...>

Aliases: r.unhoist


  • r.dehoist @user#1234

  • r.dehoist @user#1234 @other_user#56678

User permissions required:

  • Manage Nicknames

Bot permissions required:

  • Manage Nicknames

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Ban a user by their ID, if they aren't in the server.

Usage: r.hackban <user id> [reason]


  • r.hackban 1234567890123456789

  • r.hackban 1234567890123456789 DM advertising

User permissions required:

  • Ban Members

Bot permissions required:

  • Ban Members

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


View the history of moderation actions against a user, with an optional limit to the modlog history to check.

Usage: r.history <@user | user id> [limit = 500]


  • r.history @user#1234

  • r.history @user#1234 100

User permissions required:

  • Moderator (Mute Members, Moderate Members, Kick Members, or Ban Members)

Bot permissions required:

  • Read Message History

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Kick a mentioned user.

Usage: r.kick <@user | user id> [reason]


  • r.kick @user#1234

  • r.kick @user#1234 Being rude to others

User permissions required:

  • Kick Members

Bot permissions required:

  • Kick Members

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Enable or disable the moderation log channel.

Usage: r.modlog [#channel|'disable']


  • r.modlog

  • r.modlog #moderation-log

  • r.modlog disable

User permissions required:

  • Manage Guild

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Optional bot permissions:

  • View Audit Log

These permissions may be needed for extra functionality in the command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Mute a mentioned user.

Duration must contain no spaces, and should be digits followed by a unit.

Valid units are: s, second, m, minute, h, hour, d, day, w, week.

The maximum duration for a mute is 28 days, this is a limit set by Discord.

Usage: r.mute <@user | user id> [duration=4weeks] [reason]

Aliases: r.timeout


  • r.mute @user#1234

  • r.mute @user#1234 1day Spamming chat

  • r.mute @user#1234 2weeks Being aggressive

User permissions required:

  • Moderate Members

Bot permissions required:

  • Moderate Members

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Purges messages from the current channel.

Usage: r.purge <count> | after <message id> | from <@user | user id> [count]

Aliases: r.prune,, r.p, r.clear


  • r.purge 10

  • r.purge after 1234567890123456789

  • r.purge from @user#1234

  • r.purge from @user#1234 10

User permissions required:

  • Manage Messages

Bot permissions required:

  • Manage Messages

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Updates the reason on a given message in the modlog channel.

Usage: r.reason <modlog id> <reason>


  • r.reason 1234567890123456789 DM advertisement spam

User permissions required:

  • Moderator (Mute Members, Moderate Members, Kick Members, or Ban Members)

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Set the slow mode value for this channel, or for any mentioned channels.

Usage: r.slowmode <minutes> [#channel...]

Aliases: r.slow,


  • r.slowmode 0.5

  • r.slowmode 5 #promotion #links

User permissions required:

  • Manage Guild

Bot permissions required:

  • Manage Channels

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Unbans a user based on the given user id snowflake.

Usage: r.unban <@user | user id> [reason]


  • r.unban 1234567890123456789

  • r.unban 1234567890123456789 Apologised for their actions

User permissions required:

  • Ban Members

Bot permissions required:

  • Ban Members

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Unmute a mentioned user.

Usage: r.unmute <@user | user id> [reason]

Aliases: r.untimeout


  • r.unmute @user#1234

  • r.unmute @user#1234 Apologised for their actions

User permissions required:

  • Moderate Members

Bot permissions required:

  • Moderate Members

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Warns a mentioned user.

Usage: r.warn <@user | user id> [reason]


  • r.warn @user#1234

  • r.warn @user#1234 Breaking rule #3

User permissions required:

  • Moderator (Mute Members, Moderate Members, Kick Members, or Ban Members)

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Create simple reaction-based polls in chat.


Create a new poll in the current channel, using reactions.

If no options are given, the bot will default to Yes/No with the thumbs up/down emoji. If one or two options are given, the bot will use the thumbs up/down emoji. If the bot is given between 3 & 9 options, it will use the number emoji. For 10 or more options, the bot will use the letter emoji.

Usage: r.createpoll <question> [| options...]

Aliases: r.poll


  • r.createpoll Should we do a giveaway?

  • r.createpoll What is your favorite color? | Red | Blue | Green

  • r.createpoll What is the tastiest food? | Hotdogs | Burgers | Pizzas | Corndogs

User permissions required:

  • Manage Messages

Bot permissions required:

  • Add Reactions

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Customise the prefixes that can be used to trigger Restarter in a server.


Enable or disable a custom prefix in this server.

Usage: r.customprefix ['enable' <prefix>|'disable']

Aliases: r.cprefix, r.cpre


  • r.customprefix

  • r.customprefix enable !

  • r.customprefix disable

User permissions required:

  • Manage Guild

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Enable or disable the default prefixes for Restarter in this server.

Usage: r.defaultprefix ['enable'|'disable']

Aliases: r.defaultprefixes, r.dprefix, r.dprefixes, r.dpre


  • r.defaultprefix

  • r.defaultprefix enable

  • r.defaultprefix disable

User permissions required:

  • Manage Guild

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Highlight messages that reach a set number of a reaction in a special channel.


Enable the channel for the ReactionBoard, or disable it.

Usage: r.reactionboard [#channel|'disable']

Aliases: r.starboard, r.board


  • r.reactionboard

  • r.reactionboard #reactionboard

  • r.reactionboard disable

User permissions required:

  • Manage Guild

Bot permissions required:

  • Read Message History

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


View or set the number of the reaction needed for a message to be in the ReactionBoard channel.

Usage: r.reactionboardcount [count]

Aliases: r.stars, r.starboardstars


  • r.reactionboardcount

  • r.reactionboardcount 10

  • r.reactionboardcount 25

User permissions required:

  • Manage Guild

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


View or set the reaction used to highlight a message in the ReactionBoard channel.

Usage: r.reactionboardreaction [emoji]

Aliases: r.starboardreaction, r.reactionboardemoji, r.reactionboardemote, r.starboardemoji, r.starboardemote


  • r.reactionboardreaction

  • r.reactionboardreaction ⭐️

  • r.reactionboardreaction ❤️

User permissions required:

  • Manage Guild

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Configure ReactRoles with these commands, which grant a role to a user when they react with a specific emoji on a specific message.


Setup a new ReactRole that will give the role when a user reacts on the specific message with the emoji.

Usage: r.addreactrole <message id> <role id> <emoji>

Aliases: r.addreactionrole, r.addreactroles, r.addreactionroles, r.addrr, r.reactrolesadd, r.reactionrolesadd, r.reactroleadd, r.reactionroleadd, r.rradd


  • r.addreactrole 1234567890123456789 9876543210987654321 1️⃣

User permissions required:

  • Manage Roles

Bot permissions required:

  • Read Message History
  • Manage Roles
  • Add Reactions

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


List all ReactRole messages defined in this server or the ReactRoles on a given message id.

Usage: r.listreactroles [message id]

Aliases: r.listreactionroles, r.listreactrole, r.listreactionrole, r.listrr, r.listrrs, r.reactroleslist, r.reactionroleslist, r.reactrolelist, r.reactionrolelist, r.rrlist, r.rrslist, r.reactroles, r.rrs


  • r.listreactroles

  • r.listreactroles 1234567890123456789

Any user can use this command.

Bot permissions required:

  • Read Message History

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Remove all existing ReactRoles that are bound to a message.

Usage: r.removeallreactrole <message id>

Aliases: r.removeallreactionrole, r.removeallreactroles, r.removeallreactionroles, r.reactroleremoveall, r.reactionroleremoveall, r.reactrolesremoveall, r.reactionrolesremoveall, r.deleteallreactrole, r.deleteallreactionrole, r.deleteallreactroles, r.deleteallreactionroles, r.reactroledeleteall, r.reactionroledeleteall, r.reactrolesdeleteall, r.reactionrolesdeleteall, r.rrdelall, r.delallrr, r.rrremall, r.remallrr


  • r.removeallreactrole 1234567890123456789

User permissions required:

  • Manage Roles

Bot permissions required:

  • Read Message History

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Remove an existing ReactRole that is bound to a message with a specific emoji.

Usage: r.removereactrole <message id> <emoji>

Aliases: r.removereactionrole, r.removereactroles, r.removereactionroles, r.reactroleremove, r.reactionroleremove, r.reactrolesremove, r.reactionrolesremove, r.deletereactrole, r.deletereactionrole, r.deletereactroles, r.deletereactionroles, r.reactroledelete, r.reactionroledelete, r.reactrolesdelete, r.reactionrolesdelete, r.rrdel, r.delrr, r.rrrem, r.remrr


  • r.removereactrole 1234567890123456789 1️⃣

User permissions required:

  • Manage Roles

Bot permissions required:

  • Read Message History

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Set the ReactRoles on a message to only allow a user to have a single role at a time from them.

Usage: r.singlereactrole <message id> ['enable'|'disable']

Aliases: r.singlereactionrole, r.singlereactroles, r.singlereactionroles, r.onereactrole, r.onereactionrole, r.onereactroles, r.onereactionroles, r.srr


  • r.singlereactrole 1234567890123456789 enable

  • r.singlereactrole 1234567890123456789 disable

User permissions required:

  • Manage Roles

Bot permissions required:

  • Read Message History
  • Manage Roles
  • Add Reactions
  • Manage Messages

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Setup and remove RoleCommands in this category, which allow for users to run custom Restarter commands to get or remove roles from themselves.


Setup a new RoleCommand that will give the role when a user runs the specified command.

Usage: r.addrolecommand <role id> <role command>

Aliases: r.addrc, r.rolecommandadd, r.rcadd


  • r.addrolecommand 1234567890123456789 my-role

User permissions required:

  • Manage Roles

Bot permissions required:

  • Manage Roles

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


List all the RoleCommands currently configured in this server.

Usage: r.listrolecommands

Aliases: r.listrolecommand, r.listrc, r.rolecommandlist, r.rolecommandslist, r.rclist, r.allrolecommands, r.allrolecommand, r.allrc, r.rcall, r.rolecommands, r.rc, r.roles

Any user can use this command.

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Remove a RoleCommand based on the specified command.

Usage: r.removerolecommand <role command>

Aliases: r.remrc, r.rolecommandremove, r.rcrem, r.deleterolecommand, r.delrc, r.rolecommanddelete, r.rcdel


  • r.removerolecommand my-role

User permissions required:

  • Manage Roles

Bot permissions required:

  • Manage Roles

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Create and remove tags that allow anyone to trigger a text snippet in the server chat using a command.


Create a new tag with a given name and contents.

Usage: r.addtag <name> <content...>

Aliases: r.createtag, r.newtag, r.tagadd, r.tagcreate, r.tagnew, r.tag-create, r.create-tag,, r.add-tag, r.tagc, r.ctag, r.ntag, r.atag


  • r.addtag rules Please make sure to read our #rules channel!

  • r.addtag website You can find out more about the project on our website:

User permissions required:

  • Moderator (Mute Members, Moderate Members, Kick Members, or Ban Members)

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


List all the tags currently configured in this server.

Usage: r.listtags

Aliases: r.listtag, r.tagslist, r.taglist, r.list-tags, r.tags-list, r.list-tag, r.tag-list, r.tags

Any user can use this command.

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Remove a configured tag from the server.

Usage: r.removetag <name>

Aliases: r.deletetag, r.tagremove, r.tagdelete, r.remove-create, r.delete-tag, r.remtag, r.deltag, r.tagrem, r.tagdel


  • r.removetag rules

User permissions required:

  • Moderator (Mute Members, Moderate Members, Kick Members, or Ban Members)

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


View the content of a tag configured for this server.

Usage: r.tag <name>


  • r.tag rules

Any user can use this command.

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators

  • Guild-only This command can only be used in servers, not via DMs with the bot


Utility commands relating to the bot directly, such as the help, donate and invite commands.


Get help for the bot's commands and categories.

Usage: [category|command]

Aliases: r.commands, r.usage



  • all

  • utils

  • ping

Any user can use this command.

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators


Shows useful information about the bot and provides an invite to the support server.

Usage: r.information

Aliases:, r.about,, r.botinfo, r.botinformation

Any user can use this command.

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators


Shows invite link for the bot and the support server.

Usage: r.invite

Aliases: r.add

Any user can use this command.

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators


View important notices for the bot relating to usage and consent.

Usage: r.notices

Aliases: r.terms, r.termsofservice, r.terms-of-service, r.tos, r.disclaimer, r.notice, r.privacy, r.privacypolicy, r.privacy-policy

Any user can use this command.

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators


Pings the bot.


Aliases: r.pong

Any user can use this command.

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators


Get the current shard, or a shard for a specific guild.

Usage: r.shard [guild id]


  • r.shard

  • r.shard 1234567890123456789

Any user can use this command.

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators


View statistics about the bot, such as server count.

Usage: r.stats

Aliases: r.statistics

Any user can use this command.

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators


Suggest and request new features, report bugs and issue, give feedback about the bot.

Usage: r.suggestions

Aliases: r.suggest, r.suggestion, r.request, r.requests,, r.reports, r.bug, r.bugs, r.issue, r.issues,

Any user can use this command.

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators


Check how long the bot has been running for since it last restarted.

Usage: r.uptime

Aliases: r.up, r.time,

Any user can use this command.

The bot requires no special permissions for this command.

Command settings:

  • Toggleable This command can be enabled and disabled by server administrators